New England residents encouraged to nominate for National Disability Awards

22 Jun 2017


Deputy Prime Minister and Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, is encouraging local individuals, workplaces and businesses in the New England who have improved the lives of Australians with disability, to submit a nomination for the National Disability Awards before 6 August 2017.


Mr Joyce said the Awards offer a platform to highlight the community’s efforts to help break down barriers for people with disability.


“If you know someone who works tirelessly to reduce social discrimination and uphold the rights of people with disability in our community, then I encourage you to nominate them for an award,” he said.


“It is extremely important that we champion the everyday achievements that are paving the way for an inclusive society for all,” Mr Joyce continued.


The 2017 National Disability Awards will showcase best practice across the community in five award categories:


  1. Lesley Hall Leadership Award – recognises excellence in development of reform opportunities that improve the lives of people with disability.


  1. Employer of the Year Award – recognises excellence in workforce diversity by providing sustainable employment opportunities for people with disability.


  1. Community Excellence Award – recognises excellence in improving access and participation in Australian life for people with disability.


  1. Excellence in Innovation Award – recognises excellence in innovation in services, places, communities or accessible technologies to improve the lives of people with disability.


  1. Excellence in Education and Training Award - recognises excellence in inclusive education or vocational training that delivers improved economic and social outcomes for people with disability.


Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in Canberra on 3 December 2017.


The 2017 National Disability Awards are part of the Australian Government’s celebration of International Day of People with Disability, a United Nations (UN) sanctioned day celebrated each year on 3 December.


This year, the UN will mark the 25th anniversary of the introduction of this important day around the world.


Nominate now at  Nominations for the Award categories close at 11:59pm AEST on 6 August 2017.




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