More advocacy, support for NDIS participants in New England

20 Mar 2019

The Coalition Government has announced a $6.5 million funding boost for National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Appeals providers and to continue the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) Decision Support Pilot.


Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce, announced additional funding of $527,000 to Disability Advocacy NSW, which operates out of offices in Tamworth and Armidale, to assist NDIS participants and applicants in the New England.


“NDIS Appeals provides an avenue for assistance to NDIS applicants and participants to get help from an advocate to navigate the review process,” Mr Joyce said.


“These services can include explaining the review process, helping to prepare documents and providing advice and skills for better representation.


“Living with a disability in rural and regional areas can be difficult and it’s important local people here in the New England have every opportunity to access the assistance available.”


Minister for Families and Social Services, Paul Fletcher said the NDIS Appeals has been set up to ensure that NDIS applicants and participants have access to support when seeking a review of decisions in the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).


“While the focus of NDIS Appeals is advocacy support, funding for legal services is available for cases with complex legal issues, or where the applicant does not have the capacity to self-represent,” Mr Fletcher said.


“We are now providing more than $10 million to over 40 NDIS Appeals advocacy agencies across all states and territories.”


Before accessing NDIS Appeals services, you need to apply to the NDIA for an internal review. If you are unhappy with the outcome of the internal review you can apply to the AAT for an external review and access support through the NDIS Appeals services.


More information on NDIS Appeals can be found on the Department of Social Services website here.



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